Unit For Type 1 VW Engines
- Professionally Engineered and Tested
- Poly-V Belts for smooth operation
- Multiple Ratios Ranging From 1.6 To 2.5
- Bolt-On (no welding or machining)
- Combination Prop Sprocket and Propeller Hub With Standard
Rotax Bolt Pattern
- Prop Hub Extension Of 1" - 3"
- Steel Crankshaft Sprocket With TDC and 30 deg advanced
timing marks
- Precision Slip-Fit Crankshaft Oil Seal
- Easy 1-Bolt Belt Adjustment
- Multiple Belts for Added Safety
- Raises Prop Center Approximately 6 ¼
- Includes Crank Case Breather with Built-In Oil Separator,
all necessary mounting
hardware, and installation instructions
- Tension Loaded Slack Side Idler provides automatic belt
tensioning, and one way clutch action, which cancels torsional resonance
- Detailed Installation DVD included with all PSRUs
- Price: $1595.00 Plus Shipping